《基本法》、承认与执行内地民商事判决……听香港律政司司长谈2019年香港法律服务工作重点发表时间:2019-01-18 15:38来源:香港政府新闻网 香港2019年法律年度开启典礼于14日傍晚在位于中环的香港大会堂举行。香港律政司司长郑若骅在典礼上致辞时表示,香港是亚太区主要国际法律及争议解决服务中心。香港的法律业界和律政司应更加积极主动,协力加强本地和国际法律界的联系,以促进香港输出法律服务,提升香港作为主要法律和争议解决中心的地位。本文源于香港政府新闻网 终审法院首席法官、各位司法机构人员、大律师公会主席、律师会会长、各位嘉宾、各位女士、各位先生: Chief Justice, members of the Judiciary, Chairman of the Bar Association, President of the Law Society, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, 过去一年,律政司捍卫法治不遗馀力,使我们能思虑周详,加强并不断推动我们在工作上应对各种挑战,包括提供公正独立的专业服务;促进政府的良好管治及依法决策和行动;以及确保人人享有平等、公平的机会。 In the past year, our commitment to the rule of law has helped inform, augment and re-energise our work in confronting a range of challenges - from providing professional, impartial and independent deliverables, to promoting good governance and legality in governmental decisions and actions, and ensuring equal and fair opportunities for all. 《中国宪法》、《基本法》和香港的普通法 PRC Constitution, Basic Law and common law of Hong Kong 香港宪制秩序的一个根本要点有时会被忽略,就是香港宪制是建基于《中华人民共和国宪法》(《中国宪法》)和《香港特别行政区基本法》(《基本法》)。正如终审法院在刚果民主共和国诉FG Hemisphere Associates LLC(第1号)(注一)一案中明言:「香港特区由全国人民代表大会(人大)根据《中国宪法》第三十一条设立。人大藉着于一九九○年四月四日公布的《基本法》设立香港特区……」 One fundamental aspect of the constitutional order of Hong Kong that is sometimes overlooked is that it is premised on both the Constitution of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). As the Court of Final Appeal stated in Democratic Republic of the Congo v FG Hemisphere Associates LLC (No. 1) (Note 1): "The HKSAR was established by the National People's Congress (NPC) pursuant to Article 31 of the Chinese Constitution. It did so by promulgating the Basic Law on April 4, 1990 ...." 在若干重要判词中(包括终审法院的判词),亦有提及《中国宪法》。在其中一个案例,非常任法官梅师贤爵士提醒我们,《基本法》「是全国人民代表大会行使《中国宪法》向其赋予的立法权力制定的成文法则,因此是中国的全国性法律。」(注二)在另一案例中,非常任法官顾安国勳爵在处理是否承认台湾法院命令的问题时,亦曾提述《中国宪法》的序言。(注三) The PRC Constitution has also been referred to in a number of important judgments, including those of the Court of Final Appeal. In one case, Sir Anthony Mason, non-permanent judge (NPJ), reminded us that the Basic Law "is a national law of the PRC, being an enactment of the National People's Congress made in the exercise of legislative powers conferred upon the NPC by the PRC Constitution". (Note 2) In another case, Lord Cooke of Thorndon NPJ referred to the Preamble of the PRC Constitution when dealing with the question of recognition of Taiwan court orders. (Note 3) 《中国宪法》和《基本法》共同构成香港特区的宪制基础,这一点无论在法律上或事实上均毋庸争议。一如其他法律问题,要解释这两项法律的条文和确定其适用范围,必须按适用的法律及在相关背景下作出分析,并尤其顾及《基本法》第十一条的规定,以期得出法律上正确的答案。 That the PRC Constitution and the Basic Law together form the constitutional basis of the HKSAR cannot be seriously disputed, whether as a matter of law or fact. Like any other legal problem, the interpretation and extent of the application of the provisions of these two laws will be a matter that has to be analysed by applying the proper applicable law, and in context, in particular with Article 11 of the Basic Law in mind, so as to derive a legally correct answer. 同样毋庸争议的是,在《基本法》第八条保障下,香港保留并持续发展普通法。值得一提的是,这里所指的普通法是香港的普通法。正如非常任法官苗礼治勳爵在China Field Ltd诉建筑物上诉审裁小组(第2号)(注四)一案中精辟地指出:「……本港的法官必须发展香港的普通法,以切合香港的情况。普通法不再是一套划一的法律,而在各个普通法司法管辖区都可有不同的演化,这是广为认同的……[终审法院]将继续尊重和参考英国法院的裁决,但终审法院如认为这些裁决的理据欠妥,或有违原则,或不适合香港的情况,又或终审法院认为香港法律应循不同的路线发展,便会拒绝採纳这些裁决。」 Another matter that cannot be disputed is that the common law is maintained and continues to develop in Hong Kong, as guaranteed by Article 8 of the Basic Law. One should appreciate that, here, the common law refers to the common law of Hong Kong. As pithily stated by Lord Millett NPJ in China Field Ltd v Appeal Tribunal (Buildings) (No. 2) (Note 4):"... our judges must develop the common law of Hong Kong to suit the circumstances of Hong Kong. It is well recognised that the common law is no longer monolithic but may evolve differently in the various common law jurisdictions ... [The Court of Final Appeal] will continue to respect and have regard to decisions of the English courts, but it will decline to adopt them not only when it considers their reasoning to be unsound or contrary to principle or unsuitable for the circumstances of Hong Kong, but also when it considers that the law of Hong Kong should be developed on different lines." 梅师贤爵士在其法庭以外的著作写道:「不同普通法司法管辖区在法理上的差异主要呈现在法律原则的层面。然而,法律原则之所以各有不同,可能是由于不同司法管辖区对各自的社会实况和环境有不同的司法取向,又或对某些社会价值的司法观感有所不同……」(注五) Writing extra-judicially, Sir Anthony Mason put it this way:"The differences that distinguish the jurisprudence of the various common law jurisdictions are largely doctrinal. The variations in doctrine may be attributed, however, to different judicial responses to variations in the material circumstances and conditions of society in the various jurisdictions or to different judicial perceptions about particular societal values ...." (Note 5) 紧记这些基本法理概念,就能领略普通法的精妙,即是它能因时制宜,因应当地社会、文化和经济结构发展出适合的法律体系。 Bearing in mind these basic jurisprudential notions allows us to appreciate the beauty of the common law - the ability to adapt to evolving circumstances in the development of a legal system that tailors to what is asked of it given the social, cultural and economic fabric of our society. 案例法是普通法不可或缺的一环,而普通法另一大可取之处在于判案书均会详述理由,包括法律分析和事实裁断。可惜的是,我们看见有些人仅因为裁决的结果不合其心意,便无理地肆意抨击、甚至恶意中伤某些法官。这些言行不能容忍,如证据充分和情况合适,定当採取法律行动应对。 Another major appeal of the common law, of which case law forms an indispensable part, is that detailed reasons, including the legal analysis and findings of fact, are set out in the judgments. Unfortunately, we have seen totally baseless, arbitrary and even malicious attacks on some of our judges simply because the outcome of particular cases was not to the liking of those making the attacks. Such acts and utterances are not to be tolerated and where evidence and circumstances justify, legal action will be taken. 仔细阅读和正确理解法院判案书的内容,往往能消除不必要的误解。为协助公众加深认识和了解重要的法院裁决,律政司为广受传媒或公众关注的重要案件拟备了判案书摘要,并在判案书颁布后不久即上载部门网站供公众阅览。此外,我们亦推出电子版香港法例资料库,让市民免费查阅香港所有法例。我们希望这些措施能方便公众查阅法律,加深他们对法律的认识,从而鼓励他们在充分了解情况下作理性的讨论。 Careful reading and correct understanding of court judgments would often dispel any unwarranted misunderstanding. With a view to raising public awareness and assisting the public to better understand significant decisions of the courts, the Department of Justice has prepared summaries of judgments of notable cases with substantial media or public interest. They are made available on the department's website shortly after the judgments are handed down. We hope that this initiative, together with the Hong Kong e-Legislation database which provides free access to all legislation of Hong Kong, would enhance accessibility of the law for the general public and foster better understanding of the law so as to encourage healthy and informed discussions. 设立普惠避免及解决争议办公室 Establishment of IDAR Office 香港得以成为亚太区主要国际法律和争议解决服务中心,有赖法治和普通法制度共同打下稳固根基。有报道指,「香港相信可为大部分『一带一路』沿线覆盖的发展中国家提供成熟而独立的法律制度和中立地点,为来自区内複杂政治和法律文化环境的各方解决争议。」(注六)报道亦指,律政司近期「积极主动向外推广香港作为亚洲相关案件的争议解决枢纽」(注七),并推出相应措施。儘管如此,我们不应对现有的竞争优势感到自满。 Our rule of law and common law system have together formed a solid foundation for Hong Kong's status as the leading centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region. It is reported that "[t]o a majority of developing countries covered by the Belt and Road routes, Hong Kong believes it offers the promise of a mature and independent legal system and a neutral venue to resolve disputes arising between parties from the region's complex political and legal cultures". (Note 6) While it is also reported that the Department of Justice recently "has been more proactive in getting Hong Kong's name out as a dispute resolution hub for Asia-related cases" (Note 7) and launched other initiatives, we should not be complacent about our existing competitive edge. 事实上,我们一直没有忽视来自区内外各司法管辖区的激烈竞争。香港的法律业界和律政司应更加积极主动,协力加强本地和国际法律界的联繫,以促进香港输出法律服务,提升香港作为主要法律和争议解决中心的地位,并着力宣扬香港的法治优势。 Indeed we have not overlooked the keen competition posed by other jurisdictions in this region and beyond. No doubt, there is a pressing need for our legal practitioners and the Department of Justice to be more proactive and join hands to strengthen the interface between the local and international legal communities, thereby facilitating the export of our legal services, enhancing Hong Kong's position as a leading legal and dispute resolution centre, and importantly, conveying the strength of our rule of law. 为了更有效应对挑战,把握「一带一路」以及粤港澳大湾区建设规划所带来的额外机遇,律政司已成立直接隶属律政司司长的普惠避免及解决争议办公室(办公室)。 To better cope with the challenges and to harness the additional opportunities offered by the Belt and Road Initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area plan, the Inclusive Dispute Avoidance and Resolution Office (IDAR Office) has been established within the Department of Justice, which will work directly under my steer. 办公室成立后,将有助加强统筹和实施律政司在避免及解决争议范畴中一直推行的多项措施。 The establishment of the IDAR Office will help better co-ordinate and implement various initiatives that the department has been undertaking in the areas of dispute avoidance and resolution. 办公室将与其他司法管辖区和国际组织磋商和签订合作或伙伴安排,亦会在香港举办多项重要国际盛事和活动,并支持或鼓励该等盛事和活动在本港举行,以及在海外举办能力建设和推广活动,以提升香港在促成交易和解决争议方面的国际形象。 The IDAR Office will pursue and conclude co-operation or partnership arrangements with other jurisdictions and international organisations. It will also organise, support or encourage a number of important international events and activities in Hong Kong, as well as raise the international profile of Hong Kong in deal making and dispute resolution through capacity building and promotional activities overseas. 办公室的目标,是无分界限地为各界人士和各行各业提供平等的机会,利便他们寻求司法公正,从而在区内外推展「联合国2030年可持续发展目标」中的第16项目标。 The IDAR Office's objective is to facilitate access to justice and provide equal opportunities for people from all walks of life and for all sectors of the economy without boundary, advancing Goal 16 of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in this region and beyond. 第16项目标着眼于创建和平与普惠包容的社会以促进可持续发展;让所有人都能寻求司法公正;以及在各层面建立有效、负责任和普惠包容的机构。正如国家主席习近平指出,「联合国2030年可持续发展目标」应纳入国家发展战略,我们应该「促进经济、社会、环境协调发展,根据自身国情推动普惠发展,积极构建平等均衡的全球发展伙伴关系。」(注八) Goal 16 emphasises the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, the provision of access to justice for all and the building of effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. As President Xi Jinping explained, the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals are part of our national development strategies, and we should "promote coordinated advances in the economic, social and environmental fields, pursue inclusive development in keeping with our respective national conditions, and forge equal and balanced global development partnerships". (Note 8) 调解 Mediation 推广调解一直是我们的工作重点。在本地方面,西九龙调解中心在去年开幕,为小额钱债审裁处案件及其他合适案件而设的先导调解计划也在去年实施,标志着调解的发展进入新里程。在跨境层面,根据《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(《安排》)框架下的《投资协议》建立的投资争端调解机制在二O一八年十二月开始实施,经双方同意的调解机构和调解员名单亦已公布。 The promotion of mediation has long been an important focus. Domestically, last year saw the milestone of the opening of the West Kowloon Mediation Centre and the implementation of a Pilot Mediation Scheme for Small Claims Tribunal and other suitable cases. At the cross-boundary level, the Mediation Mechanism for investment disputes established in accordance with the Investment Agreement under the framework of the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) was implemented in December 2018. The lists of mediation institutions and mediators mutually agreed by the two sides have been published. 因应国际趋势,加上《安排》下的调解机制已经建立,我们联同世界银行集团辖下的国际投资争端解决中心和亚洲国际法律研究院,在二O一八年十月中旬推出亚洲首个投资法及投资争议调解技巧培训课程。我们打算进行更多这类培训,目标是为亚洲区建立投资调解员团队,并把香港发展为国际投资法及国际投资争议解决技巧的培训基地。 In light of the international trend and with the CEPA Mediation Mechanism in place, we have, together with the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes of the World Bank Group and Asian Academy of International Law, launched a training course on investment law and investment mediation skills in mid-October 2018, which was the first in Asia. We plan to conduct further rounds of such training with the goals of building up a team of investment mediators in Asia and developing Hong Kong into an international investment law and international investment dispute resolution skills training base. 律政司正积极筹划善用香港过去多年在调解方面积累的优势,藉「一带一路」及大湾区规划所带来的机遇,加强服务本地和国际社会。 The department is actively pursuing and formulating how to capitalise on Hong Kong's strengths established over the years in mediation to better serve the local and international communities in light of the opportunities that are available under the Belt and Road Initiative and the Greater Bay Area plan. 仲裁 Arbitration 在仲裁方面,《第三者资助仲裁实务守则》已在二O一八年十二月七日发出。实施《仲裁条例》有关条文的生效日期公告亦于同日刊宪。第三者资助仲裁的新机制将于二月一日起实施。 Turning to arbitration, the Code of Practice for Third Party Funding of Arbitration was issued on December 7, 2018. On the same day, a commencement notice to bring the relevant provisions of the Arbitration Ordinance into operation was gazetted. The new regime for third party funding of arbitration will come into operation on February 1. 法律枢纽 Legal Hub 上述法制建设方面的进展与新落成的实体设施相辅相成,这些设施为争议解决及其他法律服务提供最实在的支援。「法律枢纽」所在的前中区政府合署西座及邻近属古蹟的前法国外方传道会大楼翻新工程进度良好,将分别在今年第一季及二O二O年年中竣工。 All these advances in legal infrastructure are complemented by new physical infrastructure which supports dispute resolution and other legal services in a most tangible way. The renovation works for the Legal Hub at the West Wing of the former Central Government Offices and the nearby heritage-listed former French Mission Building are making good progress and due to be completed by the first quarter of this year and mid-2020 respectively. 法律科技 LawTech 藉科技提供法律服务是另一重要的发展。联合国大会在二O一六年指出,网上争议解决「可协助当事人以简单、快捷、灵活和安全的方式解决争议,而无需亲自出席会议或聆讯」。(注九)最近,亚太经济合作组织响应号召,现正开展项目,设立以中小微企为主要受惠对象的网上争议解决平台。 Another important area of development is the use of technology in the provision of legal services. In 2016, the United Nations General Assembly observed that online dispute resolution (ODR) "can assist the parties in resolving the dispute in a simple, fast, flexible, and secure manner, without the need for physical presence at a meeting or hearing". (Note 9) More recently, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) has responded to the call and is currently embarking on a project to establish an ODR platform with micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as major beneficiaries. 行政长官在《2018年施政报告》中公布,政府支持非政府机构筹建网上「一带一路」仲裁及调解平台,促使香港提供便捷和具成本效益的网上争议解决服务。政府会为这个饶有意义的项目提供开发成本。我们正与持份者紧密合作,共同筹建网上争议解决平台,也在亚太经济合作组织的网上争议解决项目中担当牵头角色。 The Chief Executive announced in her 2018 Policy Address that the Government supports the development by non-governmental organisations of a Belt and Road e-arbitration and e-mediation platform, so that Hong Kong will be able to provide efficient and cost-effective online dispute resolution services. The Government will provide funding for the cost of development of this meaningful project. We are now working very closely with the stakeholders in the development of the ODR platform and also taking the lead in the ODR project under APEC. 法律改革委员会电脑网络罪行研究 Law Reform Commission's study on cybercrime 新科技为我们带来种种好处,但随之而来的挑战亦不容忽视。法律改革委员会深明科技范畴的发展一日千里,而且可能被不法之徒利用。因此,该委员会最近成立小组委员会研究电脑网络罪行。 While we seek to reap the benefits of new technologies, the challenges posed by them cannot be ignored. The Law Reform Commission is well aware of the rapid developments in this area, as well as the potential for new technologies to be exploited for carrying out criminal activities. Therefore, a sub-committee has recently been formed to study the topic of cybercrime. 与内地提供相互法律协助 Mutual legal assistance with the Mainland 我欣然宣布,期待已久的香港与内地相互认可和执行民商事判决的安排,即将在短期内签订。 I am pleased to announce that the long-awaited arrangement between Hong Kong and the Mainland on reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters will be concluded and signed in the near future. 在法律界大力和专业的协助下,律政司正着力研究就香港与内地相互认可和协助处理破产和公司债务重组事宜订立法律机制。同时,我们亦积极商讨提升香港作为争议解决服务中心的其他措施和安排,反应非常正面。 With the generous and expert assistance from the legal sector, efforts have also been stepped up in the department to pursue the study of establishing a legal mechanism between Hong Kong and Mainland for mutual recognition of and assistance in insolvency and corporate debt restructuring matters. Other measures and arrangements that will enhance Hong Kong's position as a dispute resolution hub are being actively discussed with promising feedback. 法律业界 Legal profession 我自上任以来一直致力与法律界同业建立联繫,聆听他们的意见。为此,我与大律师公会和律师会每季定期会晤,建立沟通途径,彼此坦诚开放地就法律执业者关注的议题交流意见。自最早期的会议后,律政司已着手检讨外判政策,并于去年取得成果,其中重点是为新进法律执业者开拓机会。我们会继续推行各项措施,推广本港享负盛名的优质专业法律服务。 Since taking the office, I have been eager to engage and hear from the legal profession. Through quarterly meetings with the Bar Association and the Law Society, we have established a channel of communication for frank and open exchange of issues of concern to legal practitioners. The department's briefing out policy has been under review since our first meetings and some fruitful outcome has been achieved last year, with emphasis on the exploration of opportunities for young practitioners. Measures to facilitate wider use of Hong Kong's high-quality, renowned and professional legal services will continue to be pursued. 结语 Conclusion 去年的工作取得良好进展,全赖律政司同事尽心竭力工作,以及私人法律执业者的积极贡献。我谨向他们致以最衷心的谢意。我很荣幸能带领律政司为巩固法治作出种种努力。香港的法律专业界别实力雄厚、人才济济,律政司作为其中一员,实在与有荣焉。与在座各位一样,我们会坚定不移地以谦恭和专业的态度迎接未来的挑战,盼望日后与大家携手推进这项使命。 None of the progress achieved in the past year would have been possible without the dedication and devotion of my colleagues in the department and the contributions of legal practitioners in private practice. I express my sincerest gratitude to them for their efforts. In these efforts to strengthen the rule of law, the department that I am privileged to lead is honoured to be part of Hong Kong's strong, robust and professional legal fraternity. Like you, we approach the challenges ahead with resolve, humility and professionalism. We are eager to join hands in driving this work into the future. 谢谢各位。 Thank you very much. 中文注释 注一:(2011)14 HKCFAR266,第[307]段。 注二:刘港榕等诉入境事务处处长(1999)2 HKCFAR 300,第344页。 注三:Chen Li Hung等诉Ting Lei Miao等(2000)3 HKCFAR 9,第25页。 注四:[2009]5 HKLRD 662,第[78]及[81]段。 注五:梅师贤爵士,"The Common Law",载于Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal: The Development of the Law in China's Hong Kong,杨艾文、佳日思编(剑桥大学出版社,2014),第338页。 注六:参阅"Does Hong Kong Have What It Takes to Be Asia's Arbitration Hub?"(二〇一八年十一月二十五日)(www.law.com)。 注七:同上。 注八:参阅国家主席习近平在二〇一八年十一月十七日亚太经济合作组织工商领导人峰会上的演讲(www.xinhuanet.com/politics/leaders/2018-11/17/c_1123728402.htm)。 注九:二〇一六年十二月十三日联合国大会决议(A/RES/71/138). 英文注释 Note 1: (2011) 14 HKCFAR 95, at [307]. Note 2: Lau Kong Yung & Others v Director of Immigration (1999) 2 HKCFAR 300, at 344. Note 3: Chen Li Hung & Others v Ting Lei Miao & Others (2000) 3 HKCFAR 9, at 25. Note 4: [2009] 5 HKLRD 662, at [78] and [81]. Note 5: Sir Anthony Mason, "The Common Law", in "Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal: The Development of the Law in China's Hong Kong", eds. Young and Ghai (Cambridge University Press, 2014), p. 338. Note 6: See "Does Hong Kong Have What It Takes to Be Asia's Arbitration Hub?" (November 25, 2018) (www.law.com). Note 7: Ibid. Note 8: See President Xi Jinping's speech at the APEC CEO Summit on November 17, 2018 (www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-11/17/c_137613904.htm). Note 9: Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 13, 2016 (A/RES/71/138). |